Converting to concierge medicine during COVID-19 was the best decision I ever made

By Zev Cohen, MD

For most of us, our personal timelines may forever be demarcated as pre- and post-coronavirus eras. My professional journey will likewise be defined as before and after my change to a concierge medicine practice. In what can be viewed as a seemingly insurmountable challenge wrapped in an extraordinary opportunity, both of these events occurred simultaneously for me last March. Three months later, I can say with no reservations whatsoever, that it was the best decision possible.

Far from being risky or ill-timed, my transition to concierge medicine has benefited both me and my patients in ways that continue to beautifully unfold. Had I not begun my personalized practice then, I would have been totally unprepared to face the challenges of an empty waiting room and infrequent office visits. My patients would not have received the unlimited time and attention I was profoundly thankful to provide.

Read the full story on the Medical Economics website

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