Dr. Ralph Cipriani describes his journey to concierge medicine

“Someone comes to me, they aren’t feeling well, so they’re not at their best and they’re a little vulnerable. The satisfaction for both of us when they’re feeling better is amazing,” says Dr. Ralph Cipriani.

He was seeing 20 or more patients in a day, with only 5-10 minute office visits and realized that was not enough. He always had the hope that he could see less patients in a day but spend more time with them individually.

“The core characteristic of [concierge medicine] is time,” says Dr. Cipriani.

He is able to give his patients the security and ease of knowing they don’t have to wait or go to the ER, they can call and speak to their doctor when they need to.

“That level of communication is paramount, and makes patient care so much more rewarding and accurate,” he says.

Watch Dr. Cipriani’s full story below.

Revolutionary Journeys to Concierge Medicine is a video series, presented by Specialdocs Consultants, depicting the paths of several physicians who’ve transitioned from traditional practice to a concierge model practice.

In their own words, the physicians illustrate the continuing challenges of the traditional practice model and how they were able to make a successful transition to concierge medicine.

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